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The mission of Achieve Community Alliance is to advance the independence, productivity, and full citizenship of people with disabilities.

Achieve Community Alliance is a collection of essential programs that help individuals with cerebral palsy and other disabilities while also supporting their families and their communities. From adult and children’s services to support services and ACA’s enterprises, we serve people across the state, providing the support they need to live life without limits.


Every member of society regardless of ability is valued and lives a life without limits.

Our Story

Achieve Community Alliance is a unified team with the mission of serving children and adults with developmental disabilities.


Founded in 1957 as United Cerebral Palsy of Central Arkansas, by parents of children with cerebral palsy and other physical disabilities, we banded together to help Arkansans live “Life Without Limits.”


Our team of dedicated professionals offers daycare and parent relief to a comprehensive network of habilitation/rehabilitation. UCP provides early intervention and preschool services, adult habilitation, Medicaid waiver, customized employment services, community living arrangement, and therapeutic services.


Responding to the community’s needs and in order to better reflect the community we serve, we became Achieve Community Alliance, renaming and rebranding. We remain a proud affiliate of United Cerebral Palsy and open our doors to all persons with any intellectual or developmental disability.

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Our Programs

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9720 North Rodney Parham Rd | Little Rock, AR 72227

P: 501.224.6067 | F: 501.214.5010

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